Tuesday 19 June 2007

How it should be

Lately i've been on a mad drum and bass roll. . .Of the soulful kind of course. Best thing I've found to date is this guy called Mutt. I'm now well on my way to grabbing his whole discography..
When he goes live he further seperates himself from the rest of the pack by playing with a live Jazz musician named Davis James.

Heres his promomix for the summer complete with jazz additions from davis james..


Mutt - Advance Money (Davis James Remix) - Breakbeat Science
Artificial Intelligence - Switch Off - Commercial Suicide
Logistics - Together - Hospital
Mutt - The Same We Always Feel - Renegade Recordings
D.Kay - Serenade - Brigand
Klute - Now, Always and Forever (Calibre Remix) - Commercial
Alix Perez & Sabre - Solitary Native

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